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Feasibility Simplified

Simply enter your postcode to explore.
Understand, Create and analyse sites in a fraction of the time.

We want to make your life as easy as possible so we have made it completely FREE to use

We have created a SAAS platfrom, connecting Data and parametric building configuration to allow fast and insightful decisions to be taken in a fraction of the time. HÅŒM reduces time spent on feasibility from 2-6 weeks into a matter of hours. Increasing productivity in 4 simple stages and allowing your team to work more efficiently, creating better work/life balance



Gain Insights using live data and understand your context in a fraction of the time, developing a hyper specific view will enable you to maximize site potential and focus on the end user.


Generate basic buildings volumes based on UK and international space standard and building regulations in a matter of minutes , saving time and increasing efficiency. 



Analyse your development, gaining important information such as GEA, NIA, floor plate efficiency and manufacturability. Export report for Pre App or simply export to excel to use in further analysis and coordinate with manufacturers.


Generate reports for Pre-App and export to further develop the design, in one easy step.

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